Friday, March 14, 2014

Community: VCR Maintenance and Educational Publishing

Another great episode! More importantly, an episode that was laugh out loud funny throughout. Dean Pelton's rap in the cold open is probably the funniest thing the show has done since the second or third season.  Once again, it is an episode of the show doing what it does best: playing with pop culture references.

However, rather than doing a genre/homage, this episodes is built around an obsolete bit of pop culture from the past: the VCR game (I'm pretty sure I had one of these as a kid--- I think I might have had the tape but not the game). These precursors to Scene It (which also appear to be going the way of the VCR) were ridiculous, overly complicated and I have yet to meet anyone who has ever successfully played one to completion; the show captures the clumsiness of both the rules and the technology perfectly. And how great was seeing Breaking Bad creator Vince Gillian obviously having a lot of fun as the prospector/narrator of the game?

This episode, once again, sees the return of the delightful Brie Larson (Alison Brie Larson for you Celebrity Game Night fans) as Abed's quirky love interest, Rachel. It's a cute coupling and she is a worthy companion for Abed on his hijinks; however, as this episode demonstrates, she will not be as accommodating as Troy which, in the long term, will be good for Abed. It will allow their relationship to be more real.  Abed's "Third Act" apology was adorable but also heartfelt.  The show has replaced a 'bromance' with an actual romance.

The B-plot involving the 'stolen' textbooks was less interesting, however, Jonathan Banks' presence and Chang's taped 'confession' (not to mention Vince Gilligan's appearance elsewhere in the episode) can't help but bring to mind Breaking Bad, with Shirley filling the Walter White shoes.

As I had predicted, it looks like Harmon & Co. have saved the best episodes for the tail end of the season (as they usually do).  Next week is a callback to one of my all-time favorite episodes, "Advanced Dungeons & Dragons".  Here's hoping it doesn't disappoint!

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