Top 10 Albums

In all honestly, this maybe isn't quite in my top 10 but, considering the fact that I normally loathe EDM music and I actually found this album enjoyable (with the second best tune I heard all year, no less), it earned its place here. Although, I have to point out that Daft Punk did set out to make this album as much NOT like an EDM album as possible, which might be why I like it. Key Tracks: "Get Lucky", "Lose Yourself to Dance", "Instant Crush" "Touch"
9. Mechanical Bull - Kings of Leon
I don't know why everybody wants to hate on Kings of Leon so
much. Soulful vocals, nifty guitar parts, lyrics that aren't terrible; they may not be the future and/or saviors of Rock music but they're a solid unit. Key Tracks: "Supersoaker", "Temple", "Wait for Me",
"Coming Back Again"

Sir Paul's best music in about a decade. Even at 70, he's able to make an album of music that sounds this fresh (not to mention rock as hard as he did on last year's "Cut Me Some Slack" with the Nirvana guys). Key Tracks: "Save Us", "Alligator", "On My Way to Work", "New"
7. Lightning Bolt - Pearl Jam
This is probably the band's strongest album since No Code.
Granted it doesn't reach the raw power and immediacy of their early work, it's still nice to hear guitars played loudly sometimes and "Future Days" might be their finest ballad since "Wishlist". Key Tracks: "Mind Your Manners", "Lightning Bolt", "Future Days"
6. Amok - Atoms for Peace
I have the same relation to this album as I have had with pretty much every Radiohead album since Kid A. That is, I don't care for it at first but, the more I listen to it, the more I dig it.
Key Tracks: "Before Your Very Eyes", "Ingenue", "Judge, Jury, Executioner"
5. Wolf's Law - Joy Formidable
Shoegaze guitars, a sweet female vocal, catchy tunes--- these guys would have been HUGE in 1995.
Key Tracks: "This Ladder Is Ours", "The Maw Maw Song", "The Turnaround"
4. The 20/20 Experience (1 and 2)- Justin Timberlake
I'm lumping both albums together because they really are part of a larger whole; part one is the stronger of the two but part two has the best song ("Take Back The Night"). JT continues to grow as an artist, making some of his most sophisticated music yet. What he may lack as a lyricist he makes up for with knack for writing killer hooks. . Key Tracks: "Take Back The Night", "Mirrors", "Let the Groove Get In", "Pusher Love Girl", "Tunnel Vision"
3. Reflector - The Arcade Fire
While I find their artsier aspirations a bit pretentious if not obnoxious at times, they still managed to make the best rock album I heard all year. And, while I feel their pretentiousness sometimes gets in the way of their ability to just get in a room and play, it is also why they were able to make the only rock album that was the least bit inventive. Key Tracks: "Normal Person", "Reflektor", "Joan of Arc"

Yes, Kayne is an egotistical ass. Yes, the fact that he's married to Kim Kardassian makes him even more obnoxious. And, yes, that video for "Bound 2" was egotistical, obnoxious, and annoying. But, you know what, this album rocked harder than anything else this year. It's not the masterpiece that My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy was but, after a triumph like that, sometimes the best thing to do is to strip down and go in a different direction. Key Tracks: "Black Skinhead", "Blood On The Leaves", "I am a God", "New Slaves", "Bound 2"
1. Because the Internet - Childish Gambino
I loved the first Chidlish Gambino album; what Donald Glover may have lacked in subtlety and lyrical maturity, he made up for in sheer enthusiasm, energy, and wit. It was a breath of fresh air that I felt mainstream Hip-hop was sorely in need of. On Because the Internet, Glover improves on his flaws and maintains his strengths while further exploring new musical territories. Key Tracks: "3005", "Telegraph Ave", "Shadows", "Life: The Biggest Troll", "Earth: The Oldest Computer (The Last Night)"
Top 10 tunes:
10. "I'm Talking About You"- The Beatles
Technically, this is 50 years old but this is the first time the Beatles have every released this song commercially and it rocks!
9. "Dope"- Lady Gaga
8. "3005"- Childish Gambino
7. "Holy Grail"- Jay Z and Justin Timberlake
Unfortunately, Magna Carta Holy Grail didn't live up to the promise of its opening track.
6. "Black Skinhead"- Kanye West
Attention Mr. West: the 300 were Greek not Roman....
5. "Take Back The Night"- Justin Timberlake
4. "Normal Person"- The Arcade Fire
This is exactly the kind of song I wish Arcade Fire would do more of...
3. "Sacrilege" - The Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Easily the best thing they've done since "Maps".
2. "Get Lucky"- Daft Punk
Noel Gallagher said it best recently when he stated that this is one of those songs that's so good that it just feels like it has always been around.
1. "Teenage Dream" (Live)- The Horrible Crowes
Brian Fallon & Co. turn Katie Perry's teen pop into a long lost Springsteen tune.... best thing I heard all year.
So, that's all for the NEW music I liked this year but what did I REALLY enjoy more than any of my other musical purchases this year?
The Beatles - Live at the BBC and On Air (Live at the BBC vol 2)
As I've already mentioned here on this very blog, The Beatles BBC collection was a pleasant reminder of what a great little Rock and Roll band the Beatles could be once you boiled them down to their basic elements.
But,even more than the fab four, was this
Viva Hysteria! Live at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino- Def Leppard (CD/DVD combo)
Full disclosure: I am an old school Def Leppard fan and they were the first band I ever saw live.
No, it is not cool to like Def Leppard. I realize that. I am ok with this. I am enlightened. People often attribute the band's success to the studio wizardry of Mutt Lange but, what they often forget, is how awesome these guys are live; after all, they would have to be in order to create a reasonable facsimile of their studio creations. This was recorded as part of their residency at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino where they played their classic album Hysteria in its entirety. And it's actually the best they've ever sounded live: the road worn hits hit harder and with more energy than their studio counterparts and the songs from Hysteria's 'Side Two' ("Don't Shoot Shotgun", "Run Riot"), often overlooked by most fans, are brought to life with more power than the band managed to capture in the studio 25 years ago.
But, for old school fans like myself, the real treat is a bonus disc that contains the show's opening act: Ded Flatbird. In order to break up the monotony of playing the same thing every night, the band created an alter ego as 'the world's best Def Leppard cover band' and used it as an opportunity to perform long forgotten gems like the 1980 b-side "Good Morning Freedom"; they even performed 'Side One' to their woefully underrated 1981 album High N' Dry in its entirety. After years as a 'nostalgia act' who are forced to play the same greatest hits set-lists year tour after tour, you can tell the guys are really having fun pulling out some of their old favorites and hits that never were.
Key Tracks: "Women", "Rocket", "Don't Shoot Shotgun", "Run Riot", "Excitable", "Good Morning Freedom", "Rock Brigade", "Wasted", "Let It Go", "Mirror Mirror (Take a Look Into My Eyes)", "Bringin' On The Heartbreak".
So, what does it say about me that my favorite musical releases of the year were archival recordings of a band from 50 years ago and a live compilation from a band that hasn't been relevant in 20? I may be getting to old for this shit.
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