Tuesday, December 20, 2016

2016 Favorites: Movies

10. The Secret Life of Pets

On here because I'm a dog person--- while the movie as a whole isn't quite as enjoyable as the opening and closing sequences of animals doing what they do just after their master's leave and as they come home, it was still an overall entertaining family film. 

9. Moana

Classic Disney storytelling with a more modern take on the Disney princess, Moana is lots of fun and the Rock shows us what a lovely singing voice he has....

8. Star Trek Beyond

More cohesive than 'Into Darkness' but those hoping for a return to the 'more intellectual' Trek of old will likely be disappointed. But, if you're looking for a fun popcorn blockbuster, this hits the spot.

7. Dr. Strange

While it might be the most visually compelling Marvel movie to date, the plot wasn't really anything all that interesting and the script as a whole seemed it could use some punching up. Marvel movies often do little more than lay the ground work in the first movie and then go for something more interesting in the sequel. Let's hope that trend continues in the follow up to Dr. Strange

6. X-Men: Apocalypse

While it wasn't as good as First Class or Days of Future Past, I have to say it was still pretty damned entertaining and definitely better than X3 and both Wolverine movies (possibly even the first first X-men... which I always felt had kind of a stupid plot).

5. Ghostbusters

This much maligned 'reboot' would have been better off if it were just a straight up remake.  It was an overall solid good time with a stellar cast that was effectively utilized even if the plot wasn't all that great. Ultimately, I did feel it was a little too self-conscious in it's references to the original and wish it had tried to be more of its own thing. But, Kate McKinnon was AWESOME! I totally have a man-crush (yes, man-crush) on Jillian Holtzman.

4. Captain America: Civil War

In many ways, this was Avengers 3 but, in some other important ways, it managed to still be a Captain America movie. The Russo Bros take what could have been a trainwreck of studio demands to include this and that and mold it into a film, while not quite as tightly plotted as The Winter Soldier (which, objectively speaking, might actually be the best Marvel movie) is still a lean, mean action machine.  And, unlike Batman Vs Superman, I really felt that Tony and Steve had reason for the all out slugfest at the movie's climactic conclusion. 

3. Deadpool

Civil War was bigger but Deadpool was more fun.  Never has a major studio been more faithful in their adaptation of a comic book character (well, except maybe Christopher Reeves Superman).  This is exactly what the fans wanted to see--- and studios learned that, sometimes, that's what other audiences will enjoy. Since he was first cast in the atrocious X-Men Origins: Wolverine, I've thought Reynold's was a perfect fit for the 'Merc with a Mouth' and he finally gets to shine here and may even win a golden globe for his troubles....

2. Sing Street

A love letter to the music of the early days of MTV disguised as a John Hughes movie by way of Dublin, Sing Street was only narrowly edged out as my favorite movie of 2016 (and, if I'm being honest, it's probably actually the best movie on here). The music was brilliant and the show stopping "Drive it Like you Stole It" feels exactly like the hit song that would have been inescapable and in heavy rotation on MTV circa 1985. 

1. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

I will probably do a more detailed write up for my complete thoughts on this one--- but, in short, if Force Awakens was meant to be a warm return to a familiar world,  Rogue One forces us to look at that world from a different perspective.  If you want to quibble, the film has a few flaws but it's ability to deliver in terms of action and epic battle sequences isn't one of them.  I would have been happy with Star Wars: Battlefront the Movie but Rogue One delivered all of that and more. And, without revealing too much, it has the most daring conclusion of any Star Wars movie to date. 

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