9. The Vision- Tom King/Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Both deeply funny and deeply disturbing, this book uses Marvel's favorite artificial human to examine the darker side of humanity and family.
8. Jughead- Chip Zdarsky/Erica Henderson

7. Spider-Gwen- Jason Latour/Robbi Rodgriguez

5. The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl- Ryan
North/Erica Henderson
USG continues to be, not only one of the most enjoyable comics out there, but also one of the most innovative. This year also saw the release of the Original Graphic Novel The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe (and Henderson ALSO drew Jughead). Added Bonus: I got my first ever letter published in letters page and all I had to do was imitate a squirrel!
4. Mother Panic- Jody Houser/Tommy Lee Edwards
Part of the concept of DC's Young Animal line is to bring back the early days of Vertigo when, rather than being the companies creator-owned imprint, it focused on darker, more adult corners of the DC Universe. Mother Panic focuses on a new Gotham vigilante who works outside Batman's circles. If anyone was curious about a connection between the two, our protagonist makes it abundantly clear in the first issue when she bluntly states, "Fuck the Bat."
3. Doom Patrol- Gerward Way/Nick Derrington
I am a HUGE fan of the Morrison/Case iteration of the Doom Patrol from the 90's. Way seems to be attempting to pick up where they left off--- It's still unclear if this will be a faithful continuation of that run or more of an homage that will incorporate more of the team's larger history. If anyone can pull of a decent Morrison imitation, it's Way. His Umbrella Academy is the best Grant Morrison comic not written by Morrison. I only hope he can grow beyond his influences a bit and make the book his own.
2. Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye- Gerard Way/Nick Rivera/Michael Avon-Oeming

Do I need to explain this more than simply saying: it's Saga
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